Snoop dog. I didn't spell it wrong, I was being nosey. I came across something interesting in my travels. There are some good points made in this article, and after reading this, it would be nice if everybody knew about it. It probably won't change Black and White relations, but maybe common ground will bring about a sense of empathy.
White Slavery
Interesting, though their decendents were able to learn to read,write and go on to a life undaunted by their horrible past.
Slavery's effect on black America is felt to this day and racism as we know it for the past 300 years hasn't affected them at all.
good piece still
True enough. At some point, while everyone was attempting to blend in and "be more American", they couldn't tell who came from where unless they gave up their last name.
Someone should make a book on American History that tells the whole story. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Or maybe I'm just being an idealist.
I'm interested in the data of this article - where it came from. Not sure about if this is a scholarly source. The "majority" of slaves at one point were white? I don't know about that. Even if so, sure, at ONE point. Not hundreds of hundreds of years.
I do not at all want to take away the history of enslavement of Irish ancestors. I most definitely feel it is an important part of history that is overlooked. I do not like it at all when white Irish descendants will come up to me and want comparative props like, "my people were enslaved too!" What the love? Yea, WERE! Brown people NOW are still alienated and chastised. The descendants of white slaves now benefit thoroughly from white privilege.
Rest in dear piece to those who lost their lives due to the ignorance and prejudice of others in power - regardless of where their blood comes from.
Yeah, nobody gets a free pass, and it is easier for Irish descendants (and even Jewish descendants) to get by, because they blend in with the majority.
I would like to know more about this subject, and what effects it may still have on some people today, although I'm sure for many it's more of a non-issue rather than a concern.
Thanks, Alicia for stopping by.
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